Applikon Bioreactor Systems

Applikon Biotechnology Bioreactor Systems stand at the forefront of bioprocessing technology. Well-known for their reliability and ease of use, these bioreactors expertly facilitate the scaling of bioprocesses, from the initial discovery stages right through to full-scale production. 

Resea Biotech proudly offers a diverse range of Applikon products

  • Glass autoclavable bioreactor, suitable for microbial and cell cultures.
  • AppliFlex single-use bioreactor, fully customizable to meet your bioprocessing needs!
  • SUPR single-use production bioreactor helps you simplify your bioprocess and speed up development
  • Stainless Steel Bioreactor, designed and built to the latest hygienic standards and available for benchtop, pilot-scaled up to full scale production.
  • MiniBio mini reactors that minimize media costs and maximize bench space.

 It's important to grasp bioreactors' operation and broad applications to expand your understanding of biotechnology. Bioreactors do more than just cultivation; they are essential for precise monitoring, ensuring the right conditions for cell growth and product development. The SUPR single-use bioreactor enables a seamless process transition from R&D to production. Furthermore, the MiniBio mini reactors are designed to minimize media costs and maximize lab space efficiency.

Every Applikon bioreactor system is fully configurable, ensuring they meet your specific research and production requirements. To learn more about these innovative Applikon fermenter and bioreactor systems or to schedule a personal meeting with our expert team, please contact Resea Biotec. We are ready to assist you in exploring the vast potential of Applikon Biotechnology Bioreactors for your applications.

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Interested in Applikon products?

Resea Biotec is happy to provide you with information advice on all Applikon products. We can also offer you a personal meeting with our team of experts or organize a system trial.

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